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150th Birthday

In the old Headteacher’s office there lies a secret….behind a simple picture frame there is a safe! There is no key and nobody remembers it ever being opened !!!  After many hours of work, specialist tools and a little brute force, the safe was opened and found to be empty… 

But that is not the end of the story.

This safe will now become a home for all our memories of celebrating our birthday. Pictures from our tea party with ex pupils, our whole school, the children who entered our creative competitions, our new library (when it is built) and from our tree planting. Not to mention lots from Cupcake.

We owe a big thank you to ‘A Short Locksmith’ and his team. They have tirelessly worked on our safe, tackling numerous challenges, and have consistently come to our aid with a smile and boundless enthusiasm. Thank you for your dedication and hard work!

Join the Fun with Cupcake and Friends!

Cupcake and her flock of 109 sheep are hidden around Maidstone, waiting to be discovered! Download the Shaun Heart of Kent app and start your adventure today.

There's still time to support our cause by donating at our JustGiving page.

If you find Cupcake, take a photo with her and send it to us at birthdayevent@headcorn.kent.sch.uk. We can't wait to see how many of you meet our new friend!

Contacting the School...

We offer a variety of ways that parents and carers can communicate with the school and to be able to direct your queries or concerns to the appropriate team. This will also enable us to manage the increase of electronic communication.

By telephone: 01622 891289.
There are 4 options:
Absence: Press 1
School Office: Press 2
School Business Manager: Press 3
Wraparound Care: Press 4 (only during WAC hours)

By email:
Our Admin Team, who deal with a range of questions and information sharing, can be contacted on admin@headcorn.kent.sch.uk Please continue to email this address when sharing information about collection, absence, attendance, day to day matters, events, clubs, general enquiries, etc.

If you want to have direct contact with members of the Senior Leadership Team, you can now email slt@headcorn.kent.sch.uk Emails to this address will be picked up by a member of SLT. This could be in relation to behaviour, complaints and any other more personal or specific concerns.

You can also email our Inclusion and Nurture Team on inclusion@headcorn.kent.sch.uk