
Dates for your diary...

All current and upcoming academic dates are displayed on this page. These dates are updated and added to at frequent intervals.

Check back regularly for any new dates and information on upcoming events taking place at Headcorn School...

Hover over an event to find out more

List of upcoming dates...


Oct 2024

18th Oct - Hockey Tournament @ Maidstone Hockey Club

21st Oct - Parent/Teacher Consultations

22nd Oct - Parent/Teacher Consultations

23rd Oct - Term 1 Ends

24th Oct - INSET (School Closed to Pupils)

25th Oct - INSET (School Closed to Pupils)


Nov 2024

3rd Nov - PTFA Fireworks

4th Nov - Term 2 Starts

11th Nov - Book Look 

15th Nov - Children in Need

21st Nov - Football Tournament @ Aylesford Football Club

30th Nov - PTFA Quiz Night


Dec 2024

11th Dec - Christmas Jumper Day

11th Dec - Christmas Lunch

16th Dec - Year 1 Nativity

17th Dec - Year R Nativity

18th Dec - Year 2 Nativity

19th Dec - Term 2 Ends

20th Dec - INSET (School Closed to Pupils)


Jan 2025

Jan 6th - Term 3 Starts

Jan 14th - Book Look


Feb 2025

11th Feb - Parent/Teacher Consultations

12th Feb - Parent/Teacher Consultations

14th Feb - Term 3 Ends


Mar 2025


Apr 2025


May 2025


June 2025


July 2025