“Music can change the world” Beethoven
Our Vision for Music at Headcorn Primary School...
At Headcorn, Music is at the heart of our school. It is incorporated across the curriculum with other
subjects, including MFL, where the children learn to sing French songs.
Music lessons are taught in correlation with the Charanga music scheme, once a week across the
school, in which our pupils develop their skills in listening, appraising, performing and composing. The
children in Key Stage 1 and Reception develop knowledge of the musical elements of pulse, rhythm,
pitch and tempo. This progresses in Key Stage 2 to exploring dynamics, timbre, texture, structure and
notation, using the knowledge of these elements to inspire and compose pieces of music by the end
of Year 6.
Each term, the children learn to perform a song from the scheme in order to enrich their performance
skills, through singing and the playing of instruments. Our pupils explore a variety of instruments
throughout their school lives, including voice in Reception, handbells in Year 1, ocarina in Year 2,
recorder in Year 3, ukulele in Year 4, guitar in Year 5 and voice in Year 6.
The children are also given many opportunities to learn instruments in formal lessons with music
professionals who teach during school time. Furthermore, our pupils are encouraged to share their
musical talents with their classmates by performing to each other in assemblies and during class music
The children at Headcorn leave the school with an appreciation for music borne of exposure to a wide
variety of music styles and cultures and, it is intended, a lifelong enjoyment of the subject.