Art & Design
“Simplify, slow down, be kind. And don’t forget to have art in your life – music, paintings, theatre, dance and sunsets” Eric Carle
Our Vision for Art and Design at Headcorn Primary School...
At Headcorn School we believe that Art and Design should be an enjoyable, creative and inclusive subject that enables all children to develop a range of skills and techniques. From the moment the children start their learning journey at EYFS, until the end of Year 6, we carefully plan an engaging curriculum to fit in with our topics to
teach children to experiment with colour, texture, form, line, shape, pattern and
different materials.
In Art lessons pupils use sketchbooks to record, develop and show their ideas in a progressive way to assess their developing artistic abilities. They learn to improve their mastery of Art by becoming familiar with specific drawing,
painting, printing and sculpture techniques. During lessons, the children develop the skills to produce images, patterns and structures. They regularly record their ideas and observations, and we encourage them to review and evaluate their individual learning journeys alongside those of their peers. In these subjects we take inspiration both from the study of great artists, architects and designers in history and from our local area, particularly the natural resources of our school environment.
We celebrate our children’s progress and achievements with a wide range of displays around the school and publish photographs on authorised social media platforms. This we hope will stimulate and inspire an appreciation of Art and Design that the children will take with them as they progress into KS3.