“Without mathematics, there’s nothing you can do. Everything around you is mathematics. Everything around you is numbers.” Shakuntala Devi
Our vision is for all children to have a broad understanding of and lifelong love for Maths, in preparation for the mathematical and problem-solving encounters and experiences they will meet throughout their lives.
Our Whole-School Maths Vision is:
To embed a mastery curriculum for all children from their earliest experiences, ensuring tiered and
broad progression and the ability to communicate mathematically. -
To foster positive attitudes, a fascination for and excitement in the subject and sense of discovery
through the teaching and learning of all mathematical concepts. -
To develop a ‘can do’, confident and resilient attitude in all our children.
To broaden children’s knowledge and understanding of how mathematics is used in the wider world,
by making rich and varied real-life connections. -
To enable our pupils to reason with confidence, in their mathematics, using a broad and ever-growing
range of mathematical language, recognising its importance for communication and deep thinking. -
To use a wide range of models, visual manipulatives and practical resources to develop a deep
conceptual understanding alongside procedural fluency. -
To immerse children in Maths, from the start in EYFS and throughout their primary education,
ensuring that there are opportunities to play, talk, read and explore mathematically.
Our curriculum builds the pupils’ depth of understanding across each mathematical skills area. At the beginning of a Maths lesson, our children consolidate previous learning with a review or recap session in order to develop crucial memory skills, ensuring prior knowledge is consistently and accurately drawn upon. This curriculum supports children in bridging the gap between using concrete resources that they can manipulate and visually represent and developing a more abstract mathematical understanding. In addition to this, teachers use the White Rose Maths Hub Mastery, and NCETM resources, to ensure that we have both breadth and depth across our Maths curriculum. At the end of each session, the children have the opportunity to explore differentiated problem-solving challenges to develop thinking skills and the expression of their understanding and ideas. We use Numbots, Mathletics and Times Tables Rock Stars (TTRS), which are fun, interactive online resources,
to practise skills at home and school.
Through our Maths vision, we are passionate about mathematising our children’s world. We do this by developing procedural fluency and numerical automaticity, conceptual understanding and an inherent enthusiasm for Maths.